Take Part
Letter From ThePastors & Elders
For more than 50 years, God has allowed Grace Bible Church to participate with Him in drawing men and women from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation into a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. We have seen lives changed for eternity! Yet with so many who remain untouched by the power of Christ, we are confident God is not finished with us yet.
This spring we are embarking on a new season of ministry for Grace Bible Church that we are calling Every Knee. We believe that God is calling us to vastly expand our capacity to help people find and follow Jesus in our own community and throughout the world. In order to fulfill this calling, we believe we have no choice but to listen to God personally and to work together. Each of us will need to grow in our dependence upon the Lord and our willingness to take courageous steps of faith. Until we become more deeply convinced that God is worthy of every knee bowing before Him, and that every man, woman and child can experience life only by bowing before Him, then we will be discontent with life as usual. We will want to discard not only our foolish sins, but we will also devote all that God has given us to the eternally significant work of the Great Commission.
As you will see in the following pages, the scope of what we sense God intends to do through Grace Bible Church in this next season is both overwhelming and thrilling. This is a critical moment in the life of our church. We are praying that every person in our congregation will experience a lifestyle of wholehearted and joyful generosity in the service of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the 50-year history of Grace, followers of Jesus have sacrificially devoted their lives to His service. We are here because of their courage, and we are grateful. And now it is our turn. We pray that the next generation will look back on this moment and thank us for our courage and be inspired to give all to Jesus.
Grace and Peace,
Brian Fisher
Senior Pastor -
Blake Jennings
Teaching Pastor
Southwood Campus -
Matt Morton
Teaching Pastor
Creekside Campus -
Don Breland
Anderson Campus -
Carl Jaedicke
Southwood Campus -
Johnny Stimson
Creekside Campus
History of Grace
For over 50 years, God has worked mightily in and through Grace Bible Church to accomplish His purposes around the world. He truly is capable of doing immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
Our Primary Goal
100% Engagement
Each one of us, and all of us together, experiencing the joy of generously giving to Jesus.
Our Resource Goal
We’ve asked the Lord to show us what kind of impact He wants us to make over the next two years for His glory, and we believe He has identified three areas.$32 Million over 2 years
- Every Day
- Every Neighbor
- Every Nation
Every Day
$12 Million (Operating Budget)Our church’s operating budget for the next two years supports the ongoing ministries of our church, including staff, facilities, missions, children, youth, college, community outreach and other every day budget items.
Every Neighbor
$18 MillionAs Bryan/College Station continues to grow, our hope is that all of our neighbors will have the opportunity to hear and respond to God’s grace in Jesus Christ and to fellowship in a disciple-making community.
The Creekside Facility - $16 Million
By 2025, the population of College Station is expected to nearly double, and we see south College Station as a primary place where new growth will happen. In order to serve that area of town, we are praying for $16 million dollars to establish a permanent facility for our Creekside Campus.
The Next Campus - $2 Million
As we seek to reach underserved parts of our community, we are in the process of evaluating potential locations for our next campus.
Every Nation
$2 MillionAs a university family church, we have seen the strategic value and power of integrating mature families with students to reach our world for Christ. Throughout our entire history, Grace has joined with like-minded followers of Jesus to share the gospel and plant churches among the nations. By leveraging our existing partnerships both nationally and internationally, we seek to plant one church in the U.S. and another church internationally near strategic university campuses.
Take Part
Three Ways to Engage
Pray Fervently
that the people of Grace Bible Church will continue to listen to God’s voice as He leads us each into greater participation in the Great Commission.
Give Generously
from the resources God has given you, whether small or great. Let God stretch you toward a new level of generosity and trust as you seek to follow Him.
Celebrate Boldly
and encourage others to engage with God’s vision for them personally and for our church. Communicate your enthusiasm for all that God is going to do in and among us in the next few years.

“Man, I want to worship a God like that,” Ally recalls. “Why does this God seem so much more alive here?”

Frequently Asked Questions
If we are committing to Every Knee; how does this change my giving to missions, the general fund, and other special offerings?
What are you asking me to do?
Are there additional ways besides cash that I can give more towards Every Knee?
How long is my commitment?
What if I don’t have a job right now? What does that mean for my Every Knee commitment?
What if I am severely in debt right now? Am I still supposed to give?
What if I have never even given to Grace before?
What if I am new to Grace?
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth .